News — Radiology

Best Methods to Shield Doorways, Room Pass-throughs, and Windows from X-ray Scatter Radiation
Posted by Mallorie Bowling on
Medical providers understand the importance of keeping both their patients and employees safe from harmful radiation scatter produced by medical imaging equipment. This is true in any medical practice setting.

When Easy-to-Clean, Stain Resistant Radiation Shielding is Needed, Choose PEARLTEX™
Posted by Kevin Drumm on
Easy-to-clean & stain resistant PEARLTEX radiation shielding is the preferred solution for medical imaging environments. Keeping your equipment sanitary is a top concern.

PEARLTEX Cleanable Radiation Shielding for Healthcare Settings
Posted by Mandy Bayman on
PEARLTEX is the natural choice for radiation protection in healthcare settings where a clean and crisp color is preferred. The lead-free material is a safe and effective alternative to lead vinyl. The non-porous surface can be cleaned with common hospital cleansers and does not stain.

Top Ten FAQ’s About Installing X-Ray Curtains for Medical Imaging Radiation Shielding
Posted by Mandy Bayman on
Flexible leaded rubber x-ray curtains are an adaptable and easy solution for radiation protection in many medical imaging environments. X-ray curtains come in many colors, sizes and thickness to meet every application. These frequently asked questions will help you learn about radiation protection options and installation.

X-ray Curtains for Medical Imaging Room Design
Posted by Mandy Bayman on
Select the best materials to shield patients and staff from radiation exposure.

Information About Our Mobile Radiation Protection Barriers
Posted by Jared Carver on
Radiation Protection Barriers are used in to protect people from radiation during imaging.